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An Outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in Indonesia


A number of outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease have occurred in Indonesia, with large numbers of livestock dying or being slaughtered. It is understood that there has been no outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Indonesia for more than 30 years. After the first case appeared in East Java in May this year, the epidemic spread rapidly. As of July 6, 21 of Indonesia's 34 provinces have been affected by FMD, resulting in more than 320,000 head of livestock being infected and at least 2,100 livestock dying. It is reported that FMD is an acute, febrile, contact infection caused by the foot-and-mouth disease virus that is common to even-hoofed animals, mainly infecting cattle, sheep, pigs and other even-hoofed animals.

Purple spot was the FMD outbreak cases been reported, sourcing from FAO https://empres-i.apps.fao.org/

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